Configuration File ExampleΒΆ

#         The  configuration  file is similar to the command line, with the exception that an equal
#        sign '=' must be used between key and value. Example:  -i=p1p2  or  --interface=p1p2  For
#        options with no value (e.g. -v) the equal is also necessary. Example: "-v=" must be used.
#       -G|--pid-path
#        Specifies the path where the PID (process ID) is saved. This option is ignored when
#        ntopng is controlled with systemd (e.g., service ntopng start).
#       -i|--interface
#        Specifies  the  network  interface or collector endpoint to be used by ntopng for network
#        monitoring. On Unix you can specify both the interface name  (e.g.  lo)  or  the  numeric
#        interface id as shown by ntopng -h. On Windows you must use the interface number instead.
#        Note that you can specify -i multiple times in order to instruct ntopng to create  multi-
#        ple interfaces.
# -i=eth1
#                                                                                                                                                                                                          #
#       -m|--local-networks
#        ntopng determines the ip addresses and netmasks for each active interface. Any traffic on
#        those  networks  is considered local. This parameter allows the user to define additional
#        networks and subnetworks whose traffic is also considered local in  ntopng  reports.  All
#        other hosts are considered remote. If not specified the default is set to
#        Commas  separate  multiple  network  values.  Both netmask and CIDR notation may be used,
#        even mixed together, for instance ",".
#       -n|--dns-mode
#        Sets the DNS address resolution mode: 0 - Decode DNS responses  and  resolve  only  local
#        (-m)  numeric  IPs  1  -  Decode DNS responses and resolve all numeric IPs 2 - Decode DNS
#        responses and don't resolve numeric IPs 3 - Don't decode DNS responses and don't  resolve
#       -X|--max-num-flows
#       Set max number of active flows (default: 131072)
#       -x|--max-num-hosts
#       Set max number of active hosts (default: 131072)