Function ndpi_guess_undetected_protocol_v4

Function Documentation

ndpi_protocol ndpi_guess_undetected_protocol_v4(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct, struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow, u_int8_t proto, u_int32_t shost, u_int16_t sport, u_int32_t dhost, u_int16_t dport)

Superset of ndpi_guess_undetected_protocol with additional IPv4 guess based on host/port

ndpi_struct = the detection module
flow = the flow we’re trying to guess, NULL if not available
proto = the l4 protocol number
shost = source address in host byte order
sport = source port number
dhost = destination address in host byte order
dport = destination port number
the struct ndpi_protocol that match the port base protocol