Function ndpi_set_bitmask_protocol_detection

Function Documentation

void ndpi_set_bitmask_protocol_detection(char *label, struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *ndpi_struct, const u_int32_t idx, u_int16_t ndpi_protocol_id, void (*func)(struct ndpi_detection_module_struct *, struct ndpi_flow_struct *flow), const NDPI_SELECTION_BITMASK_PROTOCOL_SIZE ndpi_selection_bitmask, u_int8_t b_save_bitmask_unknow, u_int8_t b_add_detection_bitmask, )

Sets a single protocol bitmask This function does not increment the index of the callback_buffer

label = string for the protocol name
ndpi_struct = the detection module
idx = the index of the callback_buffer
func = function pointer of the protocol search
ndpi_selection_bitmask = the protocol selected bitmask
b_save_bitmask_unknow = if set as “true” save the detection bitmask as unknow
b_add_detection_bitmask = if set as “true” add the protocol bitmask to the detection bitmask