This year the ntop conference will take place in Milan, Italy at the Bocconi University.
Address: Room A - Ground Floor, Via Sarfatti 25, Milan, Italy
This is a free event divided in two days: the conference on June 23th and a training session on June 24th. You can attend one of them, or both.
As we enjoy great advantages from inventions of others, we should be glad of an opportunity to serve others
by any invention of ours. And this we should do freely and generously.
(Benjamin Franklin)
ntopConf Italy '19, in Padova, was a great success in educating and inspire the assembled ntop community thanks to the core developers, instructors, sponsors, and generous knowledge-sharing by attendees.
ntop nasce nel 1998 con l'omonimo tool per l'analisi del traffico di rete. Oggi fornisce una vasta gamma di software open source ad alte prestazioni per il monitoraggio del traffico di rete utilizzato da Telecom Operator, Università, Service Provider, piccole aziende.
L'Università Bocconi è un ateneo privato di Milano, fondato nel 1902 e punto di riferimento scientifico e culturale nelle scienze economiche, manageriali, quantitative, giuridiche.