2. Silicom/Fiberblaze Support

2.1. Prerequisites

Install the Fiberblaze package:

mkdir /opt/fiberblaze && tar xvzf fbcapture_<OS>_release_<version>.tar.gz -C /opt/fiberblaze

Load the driver:

echo 34359738368 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
echo 34359738368 > /proc/sys/kernel/shmall
echo 2048 > /sys/kernel/mm/hugepages/hugepages-2048kB/nr_hugepages
export PATH=/opt/fiberblaze/bin:$PATH
echo "/opt/fiberblaze/lib" > /etc/ld.so.conf.d/fiberblaze.conf; ldconfig
cd /opt/fiberblaze/driver; make; ./load_driver.sh hugepages='2G'; cd -
cd /opt/fiberblaze/bin; ./configurecard --device fbcard0 --configuration ../fbcard.cfg; cd -

2.2. Receive Traffic

Since version 7.7 the naming convention for RX groups, subgroups and RPB rings (as specified in the configuration file fbcard.cfg used by configurecard) follows the Fiberblaze convention: fbcard:CARD_ID:PRB_NAME, where CARD_ID is the id of the card we want to open, PRB_NAME is the Fiberblaze PRB name. For example, if two PRBs are configured in the PRB group a, the PRB interface names are:


If two PRBs are configured with PRB group a and PRB sub group b, the PRB names are:


Example of group configuration with 8 PRB rings using hashing in /opt/fiberblaze/fbcard.cfg:

prbGroup "b"
    noPrbs 8
    hash HashPacket
    filter "hash"

Example receiving packets from card 0, group b, ring 0, with PF_RING 7.7 or later:

pfcount -i fbcard:0:b00

If you want to open a single port instead of all ports on a card, you can specify input = PORT_ID in the filter section:

prbGroup "a"
    noPrbs 1
    filter "input = 0"

2.2.1. PF_RING <= 7.6

On older PF_RING version (earlier than version 7.7), the naming convention for RX was fbcard:CARD_ID:GROUP_NAME:GROUP_RING_ID where CARD_ID is the id of the card we want to open, GROUP_NAME is the name of the group specified in the configuration file fbcard.cfg used by configurecard, and RING_ID (in case of traffic hashing, i.e. Fiberblaze’s RSS) if the id of the PRBs. For example, if two PRBs are configured in the PRB group b, the PRB interface names in this case are:


2.3. Transmit Traffic

The naming convention for TX is fbcard:CARD_ID:PORT_ID. If you have a 4 port NIC, the PORT_ID will be 0 to 3.

Example (send packets from port 1 of cardId 0):

pfsend -i fbcard:0:1