Command line tools


nscrub-cli is the command line tool for configuring nScrub using autocompletion, instead of using the REST API manually.

You can run nscrub-cli to get access to the nscrub configuration, without any option or passing user/password and host/port if you customised the nscrub configuration.

nscrub-cli -h
nscrub-cli [-v] [-h] [-a <user>:<password>] [-c <host>:<port>]

Run nscrub-cli to get a console, then type “help” to get a full list of supported commands. Please refer to the REST API for a description.

A wizard tool nscrub-add is also available for creating a new target with a basic configuration, providing the target ID, subnet and service type.

nscrub-add [options] <target id> <subnet> <target type>


nscrub-add WEBSERVER web

Please note that further configurations are usually needed to create an optimal configuration based on the specific target, it is possible to use nscrub-cli for that.

nscrub-cli also allows you to pass a configuration file containing nscrub-cli commands using pipe. Example:

cat nscrub.conf
targets add TEST
targets add TEST
cat nscrub.conf | nscrub-cli

Please refer to the nscrub-cli help for an updated list of commands like in the example below.

localhost:8880> help


nscrub-export can be used to dump/backup the configuration/policies of a specific target (or all targets).

All configured targets can be listed with the list command:

nscrub-export list

In order to dump the configuration for a specific target run nscrub-export with the target name (or ‘all’ for all targets):

nscrub-export dump webserver1

In the example below, we backup and restore the configuration for a target using nscrub-export in combination with nscrub-cli:

nscrub-export dump webserver1 > webserver1.dump
cat webserver1.dump | nscrub-cli