Open and Extensible LGPLv3 Deep Packet Inspection Library.

nDPI is a ntop-maintained DPI toolkit. Released under the LGPL license, its goal is to extend the original library by adding new protocols that are otherwise available only on the paid version of OpenDPI. In addition to Unix platforms, we also support Windows, in order to provide you a cross-platform DPI experience. Furthermore, we have modified nDPI to be more suitable for traffic monitoring applications, by disabling specific features that slow down the DPI engine while being them un-necessary for network traffic monitoring.

nDPI is used in ntop tools and various third party applications for adding application-layer detection of protocols, regardless of the port being used. This means that it is possible to both detect known protocols on non-standard ports (e.g. detect http on ports other than 80), and also the opposite (e.g. detect Skype traffic on port 80). This is because nowadays the concept of port=application no longer holds.

Metadata Extraction

nDPI not only detects the application protocol, but it also report relevant metadata associated with a flow such as URL, TLS certificate, Operating System etc. Below you can find an example of metadata that can be extracted from a flow.

         "issuerDN":"C=US, O=Google Inc, CN=Google Internet Authority G2",
         "subjectDN":"C=US, ST=California, L=Mountain View, O=Google Inc, CN=*.google.com",

Traffic Analysis

nDPI not only offers DPI features, but it includes various features for traffic classification and analysis that enable you to create your application without having to implement complex analysis capabilities as they are already provided by nDPI (read more).

Supported Protocols

The nDPI engine is continuously extended with new protocol dissectors: protocols are added or updates every day. As of today, the list of applications the engine is able to detect includes:

 Id Userd-id Protocol               Layer_4    Nw_Proto Breed        Category           Def UDP Port/s                  Def TCP Port/s                  
  0        0 Unknown                TCP        X        Unrated      Unspecified        -                               -                              
  1        1 FTP_CONTROL            TCP        X        Unsafe       Download           -                               21                             
  2        2 POP3                   TCP        X        Unsafe       Email              -                               110                            
  3        3 SMTP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Email              -                               25,587                         
  4        4 IMAP                   TCP        X        Unsafe       Email              -                               143                            
  5        5 DNS                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            53                              53                             
  6        6 IPP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   System             -                               -                              
  7        7 HTTP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               80                             
  8        8 MDNS                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            5353,5354                       -                              
  9        9 NTP                    UDP        X        Acceptable   System             123                             -                              
 10       10 NetBIOS                TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   System             137,138,139                     139                            
 11       11 NFS                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       2049                            2049                           
 12       12 SSDP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   System             -                               -                              
 13       13 BGP                    TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               179,2605                       
 14       14 SNMP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            161,162                         -                              
 15       15 XDMCP                  TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       177                             177                            
 16       16 SMBv1                  TCP        X        Dangerous    System             -                               445                            
 17       17 Syslog                 TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   System             514                             514,601,6514                   
 18       18 DHCP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            67,68                           -                              
 19       19 PostgreSQL             TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               5432                           
 20       20 MySQL                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               3306                           
 21       21 Outlook                TCP                 Acceptable   Email              -                               -                              
 22       22 VK                     TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
 23       23 POPS                   TCP                 Safe         Email              -                               995                            
 24       24 Tailscale              UDP                 Acceptable   VPN                41641                           -                              
 25       25 Yandex                 TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
 26       26 ntop                   TCP                 Safe         Network            -                               -                              
 27       27 COAP                   UDP        X        Safe         RPC                5683,5684                       -                              
 28       28 VMware                 UDP        X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       902,903                         903                            
 29       29 SMTPS                  TCP                 Safe         Email              -                               465                            
 30       30 DTLS                   UDP        X        Safe         Web                -                               -                              
 31       31 UBNTAC2                UDP        X        Safe         Network            10001                           -                              
 32       32 BFCP                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Video              -                               -                              
 33       33 YandexMail             TCP                 Safe         Email              -                               -                              
 34       34 YandexMusic            TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
 35       35 Gnutella               TCP/UDP    X        Potentially Dangerous Download           -                               -                              
 36       36 eDonkey                TCP        X        Unsafe       Download           -                               -                              
 37       37 BitTorrent             TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Download           6771,51413                      51413,53646                    
 38       38 Skype_TeamsCall        TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
 39       39 Signal                 TCP                 Fun          Chat               -                               -                              
 40       40 Memcached              TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            11211                           11211                          
 41       41 SMBv23                 TCP        X        Acceptable   System             -                               445                            
 42       42 Mining                 TCP                 Unsafe       Mining             -                               -                              
 43       43 NestLogSink            TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               11095                          
 44       44 Modbus                 TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               502                            
 45       45 WhatsAppCall           TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
 46       46 DataSaver              TCP                 Fun          Web                -                               -                              
 47       47 Xbox                   UDP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
 48       48 QQ                     UDP                 Fun          Chat               -                               -                              
 49       49 TikTok                 TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
 50       50 RTSP                   TCP/UDP    X        Fun          Media              554                             554                            
 51       51 IMAPS                  TCP                 Safe         Email              -                               993                            
 52       52 IceCast                TCP        X        Fun          Media              -                               -                              
 53       53 CPHA                   UDP                 Fun          Network            8116                            -                              
 54       54 iQIYI                  UDP        X        Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
 55       55 Zattoo                 TCP/UDP             Fun          Video              -                               -                              
 56       56 YandexMarket           TCP                 Safe         Shopping           -                               -                              
 57       57 YandexDisk             TCP                 Safe         Cloud              -                               -                              
 58       58 Discord                UDP                 Fun          Collaborative      -                               -                              
 59       59 AdobeConnect           TCP                 Acceptable   Video              -                               -                              
 60       60 MongoDB                TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               27017                          
 61       61 Pluralsight            TCP                 Fun          Video              -                               -                              
 62       62 YandexCloud            TCP                 Safe         Cloud              -                               -                              
 63       63 OCSP                   TCP                 Safe         Network            -                               -                              
 64       64 VXLAN                  UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            4789                            -                              
 65       65 IRC                    TCP        X        Unsafe       Chat               194                             194                            
 66       66 MerakiCloud            UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 67       67 Jabber                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
 68       68 Nats                   TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
 69       69 AmongUs                UDP                 Fun          Game               22023                           -                              
 70       70 Yahoo                  TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
 71       71 DisneyPlus             TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
 72       72 HART-IP                TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               5094                           
 73       73 VRRP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 74       74 Steam                  UDP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
 75       75 HalfLife2              UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
 76       76 WorldOfWarcraft        TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
 77       77 Telnet                 TCP        X        Unsafe       RemoteAccess       -                               23                             
 78       78 STUN                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            3478                            -                              
 79       79 IPSec                  UDP        X        Safe         VPN                500,4500                        500                            
 80       80 GRE                               X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 81       81 ICMP                              X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 82       82 IGMP                              X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 83       83 EGP                               X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 84       84 SCTP                              X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 85       85 OSPF                              X        Acceptable   Network            -                               2604                           
 86       86 IP_in_IP                          X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
 87       87 RTP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Media              -                               -                              
 88       88 RDP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       3389                            3389                           
 89       89 VNC                    TCP        X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       -                               5900,5901,5800                 
 90       90 Tumblr                 TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
 91       91 TLS                    TCP        X        Safe         Web                -                               443                            
 92       92 SSH                    TCP        X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       -                               22                             
 93       93 Usenet                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
 94       94 MGCP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
 95       95 IAX                    UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               4569                            4569                           
 96       96 TFTP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       69                              -                              
 97       97 AFP                    TCP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       548                             548                            
 98       98 YandexMetrika          TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
 99       99 YandexDirect           TCP                 Tracker/Ads  Advertisement      -                               -                              
100      100 SIP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   VoIP               5060,5061                       5060,5061                      
101      101 TruPhone               TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
102      102 ICMPV6                            X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
103      103 DHCPV6                 UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
104      104 Armagetron             UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
105      105 Crossfire              TCP/UDP             Fun          RPC                -                               -                              
106      106 Dofus                  TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
107      107 ADS_Analytic_Track     TCP                 Tracker/Ads  Advertisement      -                               -                              
108      108 AdultContent           TCP                 Acceptable   AdultContent       -                               -                              
109      109 Guildwars              TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
110      110 AmazonAlexa            TCP                 Acceptable   VirtAssistant      -                               -                              
111      111 Kerberos               TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            88                              88                             
112      112 LDAP                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   System             389                             389                            
113      113 MapleStory             TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
114      114 MsSQL-TDS              TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               1433,1434                      
115      115 PPTP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
116      116 Warcraft3              TCP/UDP    X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
117      117 WorldOfKungFu          TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
118      118 Slack                  TCP                 Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               -                              
119      119 Facebook               TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
120      120 Twitter                TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
121      121 Dropbox                UDP                 Acceptable   Cloud              17500                           -                              
122      122 GMail                  TCP                 Acceptable   Email              -                               -                              
123      123 GoogleMaps             TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
124      124 YouTube                TCP                 Fun          Media              -                               -                              
125      125 Skype_Teams            TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
126      126 Google                 TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
127      127 MS-RPCH                TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
128      128 NetFlow                UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            2055                            -                              
129      129 sFlow                  UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            6343                            -                              
130      130 HTTP_Connect           TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               8080                           
131      131 HTTP_Proxy             TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               8080,3128                      
132      132 Citrix                 TCP                 Acceptable   Network            -                               1494,2598                      
133      133 NetFlix                TCP                 Fun          Video              -                               -                              
134      134 LastFM                 TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
135      135 Waze                   TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
136      136 YouTubeUpload          TCP                 Fun          Media              -                               -                              
137      137 Hulu                   TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
138      138 CHECKMK                TCP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       -                               6556                           
139      139 AJP                    TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               8009,8010                      
140      140 Apple                  TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
141      141 Webex                  TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
142      142 WhatsApp               TCP                 Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
143      143 AppleiCloud            TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
144      144 Viber                  TCP/UDP             Fun          VoIP               7985,7987,5242,5243,4244        7985,5242,5243,4244            
145      145 AppleiTunes            TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
146      146 Radius                 UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            1812,1813                       1812,1813                      
147      147 WindowsUpdate          TCP                 Safe         SoftwareUpdate     -                               -                              
148      148 TeamViewer             TCP/UDP             Acceptable   RemoteAccess       5938                            5938                           
149      149 EthernetGlobalData     UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
150      150 LotusNotes             TCP        X        Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               1352                           
151      151 SAP                    TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               3201                           
152      152 GTP                    UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            2152,2123                       -                              
153      153 WSD                    UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            3702                            -                              
154      154 LLMNR                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            5355                            5355                           
155      155 TocaBoca               UDP        X        Fun          Game               5055                            -                              
156      156 Spotify                TCP/UDP             Fun          Music              -                               -                              
157      157 FacebookMessenger      TCP                 Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
158      158 H323                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   VoIP               1719,1720                       1719,1720                      
159      159 OpenVPN                TCP/UDP             Acceptable   VPN                1194                            1194                           
160      160 NOE                    UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
161      161 CiscoVPN               UDP        X        Acceptable   VPN                10000                           10000,8008                     
162      162 TeamSpeak              TCP/UDP    X        Fun          VoIP               -                               -                              
163      163 Tor                    TCP                 Potentially Dangerous VPN                -                               -                              
164      164 CiscoSkinny            TCP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               2000                           
165      165 RTCP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
166      166 RSYNC                  TCP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       -                               873                            
167      167 Oracle                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               1521                           
168      168 Corba                  TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
169      169 UbuntuONE              TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
170      170 Whois-DAS              TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               43,4343                        
171      171 SD-RTN                 UDP        X        Acceptable   Media              -                               -                              
172      172 SOCKS                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                1080                            1080                           
173      173 Nintendo               UDP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
174      174 RTMP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Media              -                               1935                           
175      175 FTP_DATA               TCP        X        Acceptable   Download           -                               20                             
176      176 Wikipedia              TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
177      177 ZeroMQ                 TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
178      178 Amazon                 TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
179      179 eBay                   TCP                 Safe         Shopping           -                               -                              
180      180 CNN                    TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
181      181 Megaco                 UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               2944                            -                              
182      182 RESP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               6379                           
183      183 Pinterest              TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
184      184 VHUA                   UDP        X        Fun          VoIP               58267                           -                              
185      185 Telegram               TCP/UDP             Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
186      186 CoD_Mobile             UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
187      187 Pandora                TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
188      188 QUIC                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Web                443                             -                              
189      189 Zoom                   UDP                 Acceptable   Video              -                               -                              
190      190 EAQ                    UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            6000                            -                              
191      191 Ookla                  TCP/UDP             Safe         Network            -                               -                              
192      192 AMQP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
193      193 KakaoTalk              TCP                 Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
194      194 KakaoTalk_Voice        UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
195      195 Twitch                 TCP                 Fun          Video              -                               -                              
196      196 DoH_DoT                TCP                 Acceptable   Network            784,853                         853                            
197      197 WeChat                 TCP                 Fun          Chat               -                               -                              
198      198 MPEG_TS                UDP        X        Fun          Media              -                               -                              
199      199 Snapchat               TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
200      200 Sina                   TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
201      201 GoogleMeet             TCP                 Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
202      202 IFLIX                  TCP                 Fun          Video              -                               -                              
203      203 Github                 TCP                 Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               -                              
204      204 BJNP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   System             8612                            -                              
205      205 Reddit                 TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
206      206 WireGuard              UDP        X        Acceptable   VPN                51820                           -                              
207      207 SMPP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Download           -                               -                              
208      208 DNScrypt               TCP/UDP             Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
209      209 TINC                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   VPN                655                             655                            
210      210 Deezer                 TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
211      211 Instagram              TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
212      212 Microsoft              TCP                 Safe         Cloud              -                               -                              
213      213 Starcraft              TCP/UDP    X        Fun          Game               1119                            1119                           
214      214 Teredo                 UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
215      215 HotspotShield          TCP                 Potentially Dangerous VPN                -                               -                              
216      216 IMO                    UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
217      217 GoogleDrive            TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
218      218 OCS                    TCP                 Fun          Media              -                               -                              
219      219 Microsoft365           TCP                 Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               -                              
220      220 Cloudflare             TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
221      221 MS_OneDrive            TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
222      222 MQTT                   TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               1883,8883                      
223      223 RX                     UDP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
224      224 AppleStore             TCP                 Safe         SoftwareUpdate     -                               -                              
225      225 OpenDNS                TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
226      226 Git                    TCP        X        Safe         Collaborative      -                               9418                           
227      227 DRDA                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               -                              
228      228 PlayStore              TCP                 Safe         SoftwareUpdate     -                               -                              
229      229 SOMEIP                 TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RPC                30491,30501,30490               30491,30501                    
230      230 FIX                    TCP        X        Safe         RPC                -                               -                              
231      231 Playstation            TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
232      232 Pastebin               TCP                 Potentially Dangerous Download           -                               -                              
233      233 LinkedIn               TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
234      234 SoundCloud             TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
235      235 SteamDatagramRelay     UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
236      236 LISP                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Cloud              4342,4341                       -                              
237      237 Diameter               TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               3868                           
238      238 ApplePush              TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
239      239 GoogleServices         TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
240      240 AmazonVideo            TCP/UDP             Fun          Cloud              -                               -                              
241      241 GoogleDocs             TCP                 Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               -                              
242      242 WhatsAppFiles          TCP                 Acceptable   Download           -                               -                              
243      243 TargusDataspeed        TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            5001,5201                       5001,5201                      
244      244 DNP3                   TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               20000                          
245      245 IEC60870               TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               2404                           
246      246 Bloomberg              TCP                 Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
247      247 CAPWAP                 UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            5246,5247                       -                              
248      248 Zabbix                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               10050,10051                    
249      249 S7Comm                 TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
250      250 Teams                  TCP                 Safe         Collaborative      -                               -                              
251      251 WebSocket              TCP        X        Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
252      252 AnyDesk                TCP                 Acceptable   RemoteAccess       -                               -                              
253      253 SOAP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
254      254 AppleSiri              TCP                 Acceptable   VirtAssistant      -                               -                              
255      255 SnapchatCall           TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
256      256 HP_VIRTGRP             TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
257      257 GenshinImpact          TCP/UDP    X        Fun          Game               22102                           -                              
258      258 Activision             UDP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
259      259 FortiClient            TCP                 Safe         VPN                -                               8013,8014                      
260      260 Z3950                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               210                            
261      261 Likee                  TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
262      262 GitLab                 TCP                 Fun          Collaborative      -                               -                              
263      263 AVASTSecureDNS         UDP                 Safe         Network            -                               -                              
264      264 Cassandra              TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               7000,9042                      
265      265 AmazonAWS              TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
266      266 Salesforce             TCP                 Safe         Cloud              -                               -                              
267      267 Vimeo                  TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
268      268 FacebookVoip           TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
269      269 SignalVoip             TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
270      270 Fuze                   TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
271      271 GTP_U                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
272      272 GTP_C                  TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
273      273 GTP_PRIME              TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
274      274 Alibaba                TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
275      275 Crashlytics            TCP                 Acceptable   DataTransfer       -                               -                              
276      276 Azure                  TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
277      277 iCloudPrivateRelay     TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
278      278 EthernetIP             TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               44818                          
279      279 Badoo                  TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
280      280 AccuWeather            TCP                 Fun          Web                -                               -                              
281      281 GoogleClassroom        TCP                 Safe         Collaborative      -                               -                              
282      282 HSRP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            1985                            -                              
283      283 Cybersec               TCP                 Safe         Cybersecurity      -                               -                              
284      284 GoogleCloud            TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
285      285 Tencent                TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
286      286 RakNet                 UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
287      287 Xiaomi                 TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
288      288 Edgecast               TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
289      289 Cachefly               TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
290      290 Softether              UDP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
291      291 MpegDash               TCP                 Fun          Media              -                               -                              
292      292 Dazn                   TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
293      293 GoTo                   TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
294      294 RSH                    TCP        X        Unsafe       RemoteAccess       -                               -                              
295      295 1kxun                  TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
296      296 PGM                               X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
297      297 IP_PIM                            X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
298      298 collectd               UDP        X        Acceptable   System             25826                           -                              
299      299 TunnelBear             TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
300      300 CloudflareWarp         UDP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
301      301 i3D                    UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
302      302 RiotGames              UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
303      303 Psiphon                TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
304      304 UltraSurf              TCP        X        Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
305      305 Threema                TCP        X        Fun          Chat               -                               -                              
306      306 AliCloud               TCP        X        Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
307      307 AVAST                  TCP        X        Safe         Network            -                               -                              
308      308 TiVoConnect            TCP/UDP    X        Fun          Network            2190                            2190                           
309      309 Kismet                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
310      310 FastCGI                TCP        X        Safe         Network            -                               -                              
311      311 FTPS                   TCP        X        Unsafe       Download           -                               -                              
312      312 NAT-PMP                UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            5351                            -                              
313      313 Syncthing              UDP        X        Fun          Download           -                               -                              
314      314 CryNetwork             UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
315      315 Line                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
316      316 LineCall               UDP        X        Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
317      317 AppleTVPlus            TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
318      318 DirecTV                TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
319      319 HBO                    TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
320      320 Vudu                   TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
321      321 Showtime               TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
322      322 Dailymotion            TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
323      323 Livestream             TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
324      324 Tencentvideo           TCP                 Fun          Streaming          -                               -                              
325      325 IHeartRadio            TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
326      326 Tidal                  TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
327      327 TuneIn                 TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
328      328 SiriusXMRadio          TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -                              
329      329 Munin                  TCP        X        Acceptable   System             -                               4949                           
330      330 Elasticsearch          TCP        X        Acceptable   System             -                               -                              
331      331 TuyaLP                 UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          6667                            -                              
332      332 TPLINK_SHP             TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          9999                            9999                           
333      333 Source_Engine          UDP        X        Fun          Game               27015                           -                              
334      334 BACnet                 UDP        X        Safe         IoT-Scada          47808                           -                              
335      335 OICQ                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Chat               8000                            -                              
336      336 Heroes_of_the_Storm    UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
337      337 FbookReelStory         TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
338      338 SRTP                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Media              -                               -                              
339      339 OperaVPN               TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
340      340 EpicGames              UDP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
341      341 GeForceNow             TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
342      342 Nvidia                 TCP                 Safe         Web                -                               -                              
343      343 BITCOIN                TCP        X        Acceptable   Crypto_Currency    -                               8333                           
344      344 ProtonVPN              TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
345      345 Thrift                 TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
346      346 Roblox                 TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
347      347 Service_Location_Protocol TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RPC                427                             427                            
348      348 Mullvad                TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
349      349 HTTP2                  TCP        X        Safe         Web                -                               -                              
350      350 HAProxy                TCP        X        Safe         Web                -                               -                              
351      351 RMCP                   UDP        X        Safe         System             623                             -                              
352      352 Controller_Area_Network TCP/UDP    X        Safe         System             -                               -                              
353      353 Protobuf               TCP/UDP    X        Safe         Network            -                               -                              
354      354 ETHEREUM               TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Crypto_Currency    -                               30303                          
355      355 TelegramVoip           TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
356      356 SinaWeibo              TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
357      357 TeslaServices          TCP                 Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
358      358 PTPv2                  UDP        X        Acceptable   System             319,320                         -                              
359      359 RTPS                   UDP        X        Acceptable   RPC                7401                            -                              
360      360 OPC-UA                 TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               4840                           
361      361 S7CommPlus             TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
362      362 FINS                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          9600                            9600                           
363      363 EtherSIO               UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          6060                            -                              
364      364 UMAS                   TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
365      365 BeckhoffADS            TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               48898                          
366      366 ISO9506-1-MMS          TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
367      367 IEEE-C37118            TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          4713                            4712                           
368      368 Ether-S-Bus            UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          5050                            -                              
369      369 Monero                 TCP                 Acceptable   Crypto_Currency    -                               -                              
370      370 DCERPC                 TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RPC                135                             135                            
371      371 PROFINET_IO            UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
372      372 HiSLIP                 TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               4880                           
373      373 UFTP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Download           1044                            -                              
374      374 OpenFlow               TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               6653                           
375      375 JSON-RPC               TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               -                              
376      376 WebDAV                 TCP        X        Acceptable   Collaborative      -                               -                              
377      377 Kafka                  TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               9092                           
378      378 NoMachine              TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       4000                            4000                           
379      379 IEC62056               TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          4059                            4059                           
380      380 HL7                    TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               2575                           
381      381 Ceph                   TCP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       -                               3300,6789                      
382      382 GoogleChat             TCP                 Acceptable   Chat               -                               -                              
383      383 Roughtime              TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   System             2002                            2002                           
384      384 PrivateInternetAccess  TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
385      385 KCP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
386      386 Dota2                  TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
387      387 Mumble                 UDP        X        Fun          VoIP               -                               -                              
388      388 Yojimbo                UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
389      389 ElectronicArts         TCP                 Fun          Game               -                               -                              
390      390 STOMP                  TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               61613                          
391      391 Radmin                 TCP        X        Acceptable   RemoteAccess       -                               4899                           
392      392 Raft                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
393      393 CIP                    UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          2222                            -                              
394      394 Gearman                TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               4730                           
395      395 TencentGames           TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
396      396 GaijinEntertainment    UDP        X        Fun          Game               20011                           -                              
397      397 ANSI_C1222             TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          1153                            1153                           
398      398 Huawei                 TCP                 Acceptable   Web                -                               -                              
399      399 HuaweiCloud            TCP                 Acceptable   Cloud              -                               -                              
400      400 DLEP                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            854                             854                            
401      401 BFD                    UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            3784,3785                       -                              
402      402 NetEaseGames           UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
403      403 PathofExile            TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
404      404 GoogleCall             TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
405      405 PFCP                   UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            8805                            -                              
406      406 FLUTE                  UDP        X        Acceptable   Download           -                               -                              
407      407 LoLWildRift            UDP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
408      408 TES_Online             TCP        X        Fun          Game               -                               -                              
409      409 LDP                    TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   Network            646                             646                            
410      410 KNXnet_IP              TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          3671                            3671                           
411      411 Bluesky                TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
412      412 Mastodon               TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
413      413 Threads                TCP                 Fun          SocialNetwork      -                               -                              
414      414 ViberVoip              TCP                 Acceptable   VoIP               -                               -                              
415      415 ZUG                    UDP        X        Acceptable   Crypto_Currency    -                               -                              
416      416 JRMI                   TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               1099                           
417      417 RipeAtlas              UDP        X        Acceptable   Network            -                               -                              
418      418 HLS                    TCP        X        Fun          Media              -                               -                              
419      419 ClickHouse             TCP        X        Acceptable   Database           -                               -                              
420      420 Nano                   TCP        X        Acceptable   Crypto_Currency    -                               7075                           
421      421 OpenWire               TCP        X        Acceptable   RPC                -                               61616                          
422      422 CNP-IP                 UDP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
423      423 ATG                    TCP        X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          -                               -                              
424      424 TRDP                   TCP/UDP    X        Acceptable   IoT-Scada          17224,17225                     17225                          
425      425 Lustre                 TCP        X        Acceptable   DataTransfer       -                               -                              
426      426 NordVPN                TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
427      427 SurfShark              TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
428      428 CactusVPN              TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
429      429 Windscribe             TCP                 Acceptable   VPN                -                               -                              
430      430 Sonos                  TCP                 Fun          Music              -                               -     

Cybersecurity Analysis

nDPI is able to identify specific “risks” in network traffic by reporting flow risks. Below you can find the list of supported risks

 Id Code                                           Risk                                         Severity Score CliScore SrvScore
  1 NDPI_URL_POSSIBLE_XSS                          XSS Attack                                   Severe   150      135      15      
  2 NDPI_URL_POSSIBLE_SQL_INJECTION                SQL Injection                                Severe   150      135      15      
  3 NDPI_URL_POSSIBLE_RCE_INJECTION                RCE Injection                                Severe   150      135      15      
  4 NDPI_BINARY_APPLICATION_TRANSFER               Binary App Transfer                          Severe   150      75       75      
  5 NDPI_KNOWN_PROTOCOL_ON_NON_STANDARD_PORT       Known Proto on Non Std Port                  Medium   50       25       25      
  6 NDPI_TLS_SELFSIGNED_CERTIFICATE                Self-signed Cert                             High     100      90       10      
  7 NDPI_TLS_OBSOLETE_VERSION                      Obsolete TLS (v1.1 or older)                 High     100      90       10      
  8 NDPI_TLS_WEAK_CIPHER                           Weak TLS Cipher                              High     100      90       10      
  9 NDPI_TLS_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRED                   TLS Cert Expired                             High     100      10       90      
 10 NDPI_TLS_CERTIFICATE_MISMATCH                  TLS Cert Mismatch                            High     100      50       50      
 11 NDPI_HTTP_SUSPICIOUS_USER_AGENT                HTTP Susp User-Agent                         High     100      90       10      
 12 NDPI_NUMERIC_IP_HOST                           HTTP/TLS/QUIC Numeric Hostname/SNI           Low      10       5        5       
 13 NDPI_HTTP_SUSPICIOUS_URL                       HTTP Susp URL                                High     100      90       10      
 14 NDPI_HTTP_SUSPICIOUS_HEADER                    HTTP Susp Header                             High     100      90       10      
 15 NDPI_TLS_NOT_CARRYING_HTTPS                    TLS (probably) Not Carrying HTTPS            Low      10       5        5       
 16 NDPI_SUSPICIOUS_DGA_DOMAIN                     Susp DGA Domain name                         High     100      90       10      
 17 NDPI_MALFORMED_PACKET                          Malformed Packet                             Low      10       5        5       
 18 NDPI_SSH_OBSOLETE_CLIENT_VERSION_OR_CIPHER     SSH Obsolete Cli Vers/Cipher                 High     100      90       10      
 19 NDPI_SSH_OBSOLETE_SERVER_VERSION_OR_CIPHER     SSH Obsolete Ser Vers/Cipher                 Medium   50       5        45      
 20 NDPI_SMB_INSECURE_VERSION                      SMB Insecure Vers                            High     100      90       10      
 21 NDPI_TLS_SUSPICIOUS_ESNI_USAGE                 TLS Susp ESNI Usage                          Medium   50       25       25      
 22 NDPI_TLS_SUSPICIOUS_ESNI_USAGE                 Unsafe Protocol                              Low      10       5        5       
 23 NDPI_DNS_SUSPICIOUS_TRAFFIC                    Susp DNS Traffic                             Medium   50       45       5       
 24 NDPI_TLS_MISSING_SNI                           Missing SNI TLS Extn                         Medium   50       25       25      
 25 NDPI_HTTP_SUSPICIOUS_CONTENT                   HTTP Susp Content                            High     100      90       10      
 26 NDPI_RISKY_ASN                                 Risky ASN                                    Medium   50       25       25      
 27 NDPI_RISKY_DOMAIN                              Risky Domain Name                            Medium   50       25       25      
 28 NDPI_MALICIOUS_FINGERPRINT                     Malicious Fingerpint                         Medium   50       25       25      
 29 NDPI_MALICIOUS_SHA1_CERTIFICATE                Malicious SSL Cert/SHA1 Fingerp.             Medium   50       25       25      
 30 NDPI_DESKTOP_OR_FILE_SHARING_SESSION           Desktop/File Sharing                         Low      10       5        5       
 31 NDPI_TLS_UNCOMMON_ALPN                         Uncommon TLS ALPN                            Medium   50       25       25      
 32 NDPI_TLS_CERT_VALIDITY_TOO_LONG                TLS Cert Validity Too Long                   Medium   50       25       25      
 33 NDPI_TLS_SUSPICIOUS_EXTENSION                  TLS Susp Extn                                High     100      90       10      
 34 NDPI_TLS_FATAL_ALERT                           TLS Fatal Alert                              Low      10       5        5       
 35 NDPI_SUSPICIOUS_ENTROPY                        Susp Entropy                                 Low      10       5        5       
 36 NDPI_CLEAR_TEXT_CREDENTIALS                    Clear-Text Credentials                       High     100      90       10      
 37 NDPI_DNS_LARGE_PACKET                          Large DNS Packet (512+ bytes)                Medium   50       25       25      
 38 NDPI_DNS_FRAGMENTED                            Fragmented DNS Message                       Medium   50       25       25      
 39 NDPI_INVALID_CHARACTERS                        Non-Printable/Invalid Chars Detected         High     100      90       10      
 40 NDPI_POSSIBLE_EXPLOIT                          Possible Exploit Attempt                     Severe   150      135      15      
 41 NDPI_TLS_CERTIFICATE_ABOUT_TO_EXPIRE           TLS Cert About To Expire                     Medium   50       5        45      
 42 NDPI_PUNYCODE_IDN                              IDN Domain Name                              Low      10       1        9       
 43 NDPI_ERROR_CODE_DETECTED                       Error Code                                   Low      10       1        9       
 44 NDPI_HTTP_CRAWLER_BOT                          Crawler/Bot                                  Low      10       1        9       
 45 NDPI_ANONYMOUS_SUBSCRIBER                      Anonymous Subscriber                         Medium   50       25       25      
 46 NDPI_UNIDIRECTIONAL_TRAFFIC                    Unidirectional Traffic                       Low      10       5        5       
 47 NDPI_HTTP_OBSOLETE_SERVER                      HTTP Obsolete Server                         Medium   50       5        45      
 48 NDPI_PERIODIC_FLOW                             Periodic Flow                                Low      10       1        9       
 49 NDPI_MINOR_ISSUES                              Minor Issues                                 Low      10       1        9       
 50 NDPI_MINOR_ISSUES                              TCP Connection Issues                        Medium   50       25       25      
 51 NDPI_FULLY_ENCRYPTED                           Fully Encrypted Flow                         Medium   50       25       25      
 52 NDPI_TLS_ALPN_SNI_MISMATCH                     ALPN/SNI Mismatch                            Medium   50       25       25      
 53 NDPI_MALWARE_HOST_CONTACTED                    Client Contacted A Malware Host              Severe   150      135      15      
 54 NDPI_BINARY_DATA_TRANSFER                      Binary File/Data Transfer (Attempt)          Medium   50       25       25      
 55 NDPI_PROBING_ATTEMPT                           Probing Attempt                              Medium   50       25       25      
 56 NDPI_OBFUSCATED_TRAFFIC                        Obfuscated Traffic                           High     100      90       10      

ETA (Encrypted Traffic Analysis)

The trend of Internet traffic is going towards encrypted content often using TLS/QUIC. nDPI allows you to extract metadata from encrypted communications and also classify encrypted traffic.


You can refer to the documentation page for nDPI manuals.

Please Contribute!

DPI is a time-consuming activity as protocols change quite often. This means that it’s necessary to update the code from time to time and add extensions. We would encourage anyone out there to help us adding or enhancing new protocols: we will put your contributions on our SVN and make them available to everyone free of charge. In fact the main reason why we decided to go for nDPI instead of using the original library, is that the company behind OpenDPI has never replied to our offers to merge the extensions we coded onto the original source code.


nDPI is distributed under the GNU LGPLv3 license and available in source code format.

Operating Systems

Linux Windows Mac FreeBSD

Get It

nDPI is automatically downloaded when you build ntop tools. However nothing prevents you from using it as a standalone DPI library. The source code can be downloaded from the download section.

nDPI is a registered trademark.